baking adventures

Friday, January 04, 2008

a new year... and some resolutions

Well, it is a whole new year... 2008 and I realize I'm a total slacker. Well, at least I have been at writing on this thing. Man, a year ago I was posting all the time, with cool pictures and stories from ICE... those days are long gone. Now I work my ass off and am lucky that I have time to catch up on my sleep and pay my bills!

But it is all good... I'm still loving my work and having a good old time with my coworkers. The restaurant even hosted a great party for all of us, giving us two days off from work - one to gear up and attend the event, and the other to recover from hours of open bar! And I'll tell you what, if there is one thing you can rely on restaurant folks to do, that is drink till they can't drink no more! Or at least until the bar closes... then we find somewhere else to go!

So I have three simple resolutions this year...
one... to stretch every day so my muscles aren't so tight... seriously I can hardly touch my toes anymore without bending my knees... this is a sad state of affairs for a girl who used to go to the gym 5 out of 7 days and do pilates 3 of those days (well, in the height of my gym obsession)

two... to divert some of my paycheck into an account to help me be able to live somewhat comfortably when i'm an old lady who can't touch her toes... but seriously, one thing the restaurant industry isn't famous for is setting up their employees (financially or otherwise) for their future... that is why i'm taking it into my own hands

three... to have some experiences here in nyc (brooklyn) that broaden my horizons and then share them with you, via this little lonely blog...

wishing you the best in the new year... anyone that might check in on this pathetic thing...


Blogger Tisra said...


I'm here! I've got you in Bloglines, so when you do actually post, I don't miss it. :-)

Can't wait to hear more.

Happy New Year,

1/04/2008 9:34 AM  

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