baking adventures

Thursday, May 17, 2007

wait just a second, I will be in the San Diego area!

On Sunday I finished my last day in the pastry kitchen at Gramercy Tavern. Unfortunately, there are no full time spots available in the pastry kitchen at this time. But fortunately, that leaves me available to do a few other things... like head back to Cali for a visit, before I get a full time job and don't get vacation for a year and a half!

Anyway, I feel a little lost now, because for 6 weeks, I had a distinct purpose in life. I was an extern at a really amazing restaurant. After the first 2 very difficult weeks - which I documented here - things got good. Really good. I loved going to work. I loved being there. The people were amazing. I got to see the chef change many of the desserts in transition from the winter to spring menu. I got to work service for two nights (or at least help out in a major way). I felt like I was actually counted on. And service was a major rush. Nothing like the sound of the expediter yelling out orders and line cooks calling the dishes out in recognition. It truly is an amazing experience. I learned so much about myself. I learned that a chef who cares pushes you to your limits. I learned that if I want to get good at this profession, I have to push myself. I even found out that one of the line cooks had a crush on me. So sweet, but not my type. I also developed a bit of a crush on another line cook, and after divulging this to one of my co-workers, he was teased incessantly (luckily, on my day off). So embarrassing, as I'm pretty sure I'm not his type. Ahhh, workplace dynamics...

So besides flying back to Cali for 2 weeks to visit the family, I don't have any plans... but I do have a few intentions... here they are so I don't lose sight of my goals...
1. While in Cali, trail at at least 2 different places - here are the forerunners: El Bizcocho & Extraordinary Desserts.
2. Do a front of the house externship - hopefully at Gramercy, if the GM gets back to me.
3. Explore some cuisines that I'm not immediately attracted to... for instance, try to do a stage in a traditional French restaurant (i.e. Daniel), something known for "molecular gastronomy" (i.e. wd~50), an Italian restaurant (i.e. Felidia or Maremma), a steakhouse (i.e. Landmarc or Porter House).
4. Return to Boston for some fun and to stage at a restaurant or two... and catch a Sox game at friendly Fenway!
5. Try to learn more about chocolate from Chef Shotts in Providence by asking if I can spend some time in his shop - Garrison Confections.
6. Visit family in RI.
7. Apartment hunt in the 5 boroughs of NYC with potential roommates/former classmates from the NU days!
8. Be in the NYC full time pastry cook job market by August 5th with some great experiences & contacts behind me.
9. Volunteer for something food related if I find myself with too much down time!

Wish me luck!


Blogger Tisra said...

great goals, Jen! Hooray for you. You're learning so much about the industry and yourself and I love that you love what you're doing.

5/17/2007 9:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man! it sounds like you have a busy summer ahead! I can't wait to read about your adventures... Give Pyke a hug for me and I hope I will see you at some point in NY this summer!

5/19/2007 9:45 AM  
Blogger Tisra said...

"Tisra's Craft Heaven"? Ha. I really enjoyed seeing Mike's beautiful pieces. The beads are fabulous.

5/22/2007 7:02 PM  
Blogger jen said...

Tisra... of course I had to show some love to you! Should I change the link to "tisra fadely originals"? :)

5/25/2007 12:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want to know when your coming to Boston?


6/05/2007 3:25 PM  

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