baking adventures

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

singing in the kitchen and other joyous things...

When I cook or bake by myself I love listening to music, dancing around the kitchen, singing along. If I ever own a place, I hope that the environment in the kitchen is happy enough (although not totally unserious) that music can be on, and there will be singing out loud. Those images just give me a warm feeling inside.

Last week, probably Friday, I was working in the kitchen with my chef and she always has "Jack FM" on... which, when I started, was sort of a fun novel station. They played some good music, mostly older rock/soft rock/alternative (when it came out, not anymore) stuff. Now I realize it is pretty much the same loop of songs, except it just isn't the top 40, so the loop is a little longer, but I still hear the same stuff over & over so now it is annoying by the 4th day of work in a row... but anyway, I digress... She loves G'n'R (Guns & Roses) and one of her "rules" is that if G'n'R is on the radio - TURN IT UP! Things have been good in the kitchen, there isn't a tense air like when I started and the Hobart was broken and every day it was a struggle to get finished. So some song came on the radio that she liked and she turned it up and started singing along and it was a great feeling in the kitchen. It made my heart warm up and put a smile on my face and I felt like "Yeah, this is exactly how I imagined working in a kitchen would be."

If you can believe it, I have about 40 hours left to complete - 6 working days - then my externship is over! I've learned alot about myself in the last 4 weeks. I've used muscles and had pains in my body that I've never experienced before. In the coming two weeks, I will figure out the possibility of a full time job at Gramercy and if not, what then am I going to do.

Other joyous things??? Got to see one of my friends from school the other evening. We went to see a movie that was part of the Tribeca Film Festival and enjoy some cocktails after. Commiserate about our aches, pains, lessons learned and accomplishments. It is always nice to know you aren't the only one feeling a certain way. This week I will get to see a friend from Cali and her husband. Lunch in the city tomorrow & my chef gave me Sunday off so I will be able to head up to a BBQ at my Cali friend's husband's friend's house. (Does that make sense?) Otherwise, sunny warmer spring weather (forsythia, cherry blossoms, daffodils & tulips in bloom) and not dreading to walk thru the doors to work have got me in a happy spirit.


Blogger Tisra said...

Oh Jen! I'm so happy for you!

5/03/2007 11:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The kitchen sounds like it is fun again!
Only 40 more hours... I wish my countdown was that close! Congratulations. We will have to celebrate in about 7 weeks (or I think it is)!!!

5/03/2007 8:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am glad you are able to lighten up on yourself and the kitchen situation. It is amazing that you are almost done there. Hope you had fun this weekend and were able to relax some more! Keep me posted on the job hunt. They would be fools to lose someone who works as hard as I know you do!! Love, Mom

5/07/2007 6:01 PM  

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