baking adventures

Monday, September 03, 2007

hanging in the slope

The restaurant was closed on Sunday and Monday for Labor Day. That is definitely a nice perk. We are actually closed on a few holidays and the days surrounding those days. That is sort of nice, it means I might actually get to see some family on some holidays.

Otherwise work is going well. I'm finally getting into a nice groove. I still have to figure out how to be faster. I'm afraid that might mean cutting corners. I'm not sure I'm willing to do that. I share the station I work with another girl and I feel like sometimes she doesn't do everything I would if I was working the station. If I'm there and I'm working another position, I look over and she's making coconut tarts an hour after she arrives. I think "Damn, why am I so slow?" But then I get on the station and take a look at what has and hasn't been done and think "Could she have fit that into her schedule?" I'm not sure. All that matters at that point is how much I can get done without being totally in the shit.

Anyway... enough about work... bottom line: It is fun. I look forward to going everyday. I welcome the challenge, even if I feel like I'm having a panic attack during service. Supposedly, after Labor Day the number of covers (aka reserved diners) goes up to at least 200, usually more, every night until after Valentine's Day. Holy monkey... can't wait for that!

Otherwise... my life is chill. Today in the park was a trip. I was walking down the street and through the meadows and paths in Prospect Park and wishing all my friends and family were around me and we were having a big ass bbq and throwing frizbees around and my bro was strumming on the guitar and there was lots of good food and tons of laughs. Instead I laid out on the grass in the sun and passed the hell out! Naptime! Then I got a double scoop of ice cream on my way home (rocky road & chocolate peanut butter) from this pretty good little place called Uncle Louie G's.... and thought about the fact that his neighborhood needs a homemade ice cream place like JP Licks back in Boston.


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