baking adventures

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

8 days a week... i love-oh-ove-oh-ove it!

My chef has me scheduled to work for eight days this week... well, it isn't exactly a week now is it? Some how miraculously though those 8 days have broken up perfectly to 3 days in one pay period and 5 in another. Definitely would have loved the OT... but on the bright side, I have Saturday & Sunday off to watch some Red Sox vs. Yankees action and some Patriots football.

Wanted to update you all on the "best bruise ever" situation. After speaking with my personal medical consultant (aka Mom) and evaluating if I could walk the next day, my bruised ass did not go to the doctor. My bumm is still sore and the colors are changing and the bruised area is getting bigger, but all in all things are good. I must say though, I find often I sleep on my stomach, but not having the option of sleeping on my back is really throwing me for a loop in the middle of the night!


Blogger Candie said...

Go Red Soxs!!! beat those yankees to a pulp! I hope that you can go to a game or two.
I am very happy to hear about the progression of your bruise. I say go get a massage to make the bones and muscles feel better in a week or two!

9/12/2007 4:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man,the Pats stomped the Bolts on Sunday. Did you get to watch that spanking?

Glad to hear your booty is getting better!

Love, your Personal Medical Advisor

9/20/2007 5:55 PM  

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