baking adventures

Monday, August 14, 2006

what? local tv stars!?!?

I love Restaurant Week in Boston. There is no better opportunity to get an amazing meal for an excellent price! Om opened in Harvard Square some time in early 2006 and up until today, I've only experienced their great cocktails (my favorite is the Fred & Ginger) and long for the bar to serve the sweet & spicy caramel popcorn again!

But... today I went with Steve B. (a reliable foodie friend) for lunch today. And it was delicious! Right Steve? After we finished our appetizers (I had a borscht - which I almost wore thanks to our waiter - and Steve had okinawa sweet potato ravioli) a local news station breezed into the airy, sleek space Om calls it's dining room and asked us if we would mind being filmed for a news special...

... and well, that is when Steve and I became big time TV stars!!! Just kidding... for all of you who weren't home at 5:26pm to catch us on the Channel 4 news... watch 'em and weep, baby!!! We're like seconds away from our own food critic show!

Oh, by the way, Steve had the duck and I had the lamb, and we both had our own vanilla creme brulee with hazelnut cornmeal biscotti. Definitely an excellent meal and highly recommended for the great deal the lunch restaurant week menu offers!


Blogger Tisra said...

I watched it...too bad they didn't keep in your comments- just a quick blip. :-( So when does school begin...I bet you're really gearing up!

8/15/2006 10:43 AM  
Blogger mikeshelbo said...

ummmmmmmm can i like have your autograph or something.... your famous on tv and stuff.....

8/15/2006 2:20 PM  
Blogger EarthMotherRetiring said...

That was fun to watch! Looked delish! Love, Mom

8/16/2006 1:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are famous.. hopefully that helps you when you start your desert diner. I watched the video on mute as I was in class... Yeah classes are beginning soon for you!

8/19/2006 2:38 PM  

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