baking adventures

Thursday, January 25, 2007

so you think you work with idiots?

I'm not going to lie, I thought it would be different, you know, working with people who made a conscious choice to go to culinary school... a decision to (presumably) do something they love... but that isn't always the case.

At my previous job, there were idiots everywhere. Luckily I had some good friends who helped me find the humor everyday... we'd say (something like) "is that person serious?!?!?" Thank God he made enough normal people to scatter them among all the crazies and hope we all found each other.

Anyway, in the past 5 days I learned an important lesson: There are people who just have no clue what the HELL they are doing in every job, in every school (company, etc.), in every position imaginable and you just have to deal! What prompted this was working with one particular girl in my class who is what I'll call (and I totally poached this saying from Diddy) "a hot mess." She can't read a recipe, can't follow a recipe, can't hold a bowl without some how getting whatever is in the bowl all over her hands and the outside of the bowl, can't use a piping bag, and various other quibbles... and also lies to the director of student affairs and our chef...

So my point is, that via the input from a few valuable friends and family, after conveying this story, I realized that not everyone is meant to be doing what they are doing. If that makes any sense at all. They may not have any other place to turn, may be just following a hope and a prayer, or may not fit in anywhere because they aren't competent to deal with life on a real level.

So enough bitching and complaining from me. Finally, something "scandalous" up on this blog!!! I should do this more often...


Blogger Tisra said...

Gosh, you're not the only one who feels this way. People are crazy. There are plenty of people who also have no idea what crazies they are. Just watch American Idol this week and you'll see all the inflated egos who really, truly think they are talented and that the critics have no idea "what real talent is". Now, I couldn't sing well if my life depended on it, and I am certainly a klutz in the kitchen- but at least I have the sense to stay out of those professions.

And, if I may make a request- post more chocolate pictures! :-)

1/26/2007 2:07 PM  
Blogger EarthMotherRetiring said...

The idiot quotient has raised over time. I have noticed there is a "dumming down" of people over the past 20 yrs. Not sure why but it is VERY scary. Who will rise up to keep things in order if the majority of folks are plugged into IPods and Ozzy and Anna Nicole reality shows, or voting for prez's like W? Fighting this mentality is the real war on terror, in my humble opinion. Love, your opinionated Mom

2/16/2007 11:25 AM  

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