baking adventures

Sunday, November 26, 2006

a 27lb turkey with a side of

I guess I've been a little busy lately... busy enough that I haven't found the time to update this lovely little thing!

I finished the first quarter of my schooling about a week and a half ago. If you can believe that! Right now we've started doughs. This includes everything from breads to doughnuts to pies. So far the silliest thing I've had to do is care for 2 starters (one rye and one sourdough). This includes feeding them and since I forgot to bring them home a day early, they also had the pleasure of going to the G.Love concert with me on Wednesday night. I think they had a good time. I certainly did! They also got to take a road trip to RI for Thanksgiving. These starters will definitely have a unique taste!

Thanksgiving saw 18 people, three dogs, two cats and a bird gather together for a fun filled evening of incredibly, precisely roasted, juicy turkey, stuffing, green bean casserole, roasted root veggies, mashed potatoes, too many different kinds of beer and wine to count, lots of laughs and translation of french and english! My middle cousin recently was engaged to a guy she met in France (and has been dating for about 2 years) and his parents came to meet the future inlaws and celebrate a distinctly America holiday! It was fun to have them, even though I had no idea what they were talking about! :)

I'll try to fill in the time between the beginning of November and the end of November with a few blog updates, because I have a few stories... We'll see what happens!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Right now we've started doughs."

that sentence made me giggle like a little schoolgirl.

I still owe you a phonecall. xoxo

11/27/2006 2:41 PM  

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