baking adventures

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

my first burn

Here's a picture of my first burn. It is hard to see... It's the white colored "C" shape on the tip of my ring finger (finger that's in the middle of the pic)...

I accomplished this while pan-frying polenta diamonds at the James Beard House when I volunteered to help the Executive Chef of Fiamma Osteria, Christian Fantoni, and his crew put out a really amazing dinner. The olive oil just jumped right out of the pan when I put in a polenta. It was painful, but I didn't even stop to put it under cold water. As it turns out, I think my finger tips are getting a little callused or oil burns aren't as bad as oven burns/hot metal burns. There was a bit of tenderness, but it seemed to go away in about 2 days. But I'm still proud of my first eventful burn! You're still waiting for my first real cut too! That could be gruesome!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ahhh your first burn... it brings back memories of my first road rash at big bear... life will never be the same! I get to NY in a week and a few days! I can't wait to see you!

12/07/2006 7:35 AM  
Blogger Tisra said...

Ah, yes- the *real* reason I could never do what you do. I am a klutz! As much as the kitchen excites me, it is my enemy. I have had stitches, burns and abrasions. Okay, *I* am my enemy- not the kitchen. But still.

It looks like you and Canide will have Christmas together. Have a blast!

12/08/2006 11:00 AM  

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